Mental Health Support
25 Aug 2020
Landscape. Photo credit Jeff King on unsplash

West Sussex County Council and Carers Support West Sussex know that caring for someone else can be both tough and wonderful, and are constantly looking for ways to make a difference to the people who care for family and friends.

The time has come to review the current Joint Commitment to Carer Strategy and begin planning for the next five years. Carers Support West Sussex are also reviewing their strategy and have so far consulted with stakeholders to capture their views about caring. West Sussex County Council and Carers Support West Sussex would also like to consult carers with an aim of gathering all perspectives on what really matters to them.


The Carer Engagement Survey takes around 10 minutes to complete, and will provide information so that there is better understanding of how to work with carers, and how they can be supported at home, at work and in the community: To access the survey, please click here:

A survey is only part of the picture and carers will be invited to talk directly either in small groups (possibly virtual) or in direct telephone interviews. 

If you require this survey in another format (e.g. easy read or large font) or need help in completing over the phone, then please contact the Carers Support West Sussex Carer Response Line on 0300 028 8888 or email

Thank you in advance for your help in shaping the future of family and friends carers in West Sussex.

Survey closes 9:00am, Monday 7th September 2020