Mental Health Support
27 Oct 2020
Advocacy Awareness Week logo

Mind in Brighton & Hove has offered a range of Advocacy services to people across the city, and also throughout West Sussex, since 1971. 

Celebrating the third annual Advocacy Awareness Week in 2020, it seems more fitting than ever to spend a dedicated week focusing on raising awareness of the power and impact of independent advocacy. The week provides an opportunity to explore and celebrate what advocacy really does and what makes it special.

In the context of a global pandemic, access to independent Advocacy has possibly never been as, important and the role of Advocacy in supporting people to have their voices heard, in addressing inequalities and in upholding rights has in many instances been vital. #AAW20 is a fantastic opportunity to share success stories.

Mind in Brighton and Hove will be engaging with clients and partners via twitter and in the hospitals where they provide an independent mental health advocacy service. We will also be sharing a range of new materials, which will tell you a little more about the different elements of our approach to Advocacy and will be posted on their website throughout the week.