Mental Health Support
09 Feb 2021

The Mental Health Foundation has a number of initiatives designed to monitor and benefit the mental health of children and young people - including its Peer Education  and Becoming a Man (BAM) projects, as well as ongoing research into the pandemic's impact on the mental health of young people aged 13 -19. 

In a recent blog about Children's Mental Health Week 2021, the Foundation shared 8 top tips from the Peer Education Project for children and young people to look after their mental health and explore ways of expressing themselves:

  • Better sleep

Why not listen and follow along with a relaxation exercise or mindfulness practice to calm your body and mind before sleep.

  • Understand and manage feelings

Journaling can be a useful way to explore your thoughts and feelings. You could try free writing, drawing, creating a collage – it is about finding what works for you!

  • Have something to look forward to

Plan a games evening with your family, or a virtual catch-up with your friends. It is also important to have space just for you – watch your favourite movie, read a book.

  • Spend time in green spaces

Take time to get some fresh air and explore the outdoors. Sometimes this can give us space to work through our thoughts and feelings.

  • Have a healthy diet

Why not offer to help cook and see if there are any new recipes you like. You can also use this time to connect with the other person.

  • Help others

Doing something for someone else, for example help a family member with the cleaning or volunteer in the local community. Volunteering not only helps them but can make you feel good about yourself too.

It can also be a chance to pause on how you are feeling until you are ready to open up.

  • Be physically active

You could try a new activity or revisit one you already know. Being physically active can be a great way to release our stored-up energy and emotions.

  • Build and maintain positive relationships

It is important to spend time with those who support us. Over time the relationship can build trust and be someone we can turn when we need.

For more resources click on the link to the blog here.